Friday, January 05, 2007

Am a Good Cook

What is life?..

One can get many a philosophic and not so philosophic answers to the same ... Here I am making one not so philosophic attempt to answer the same ...

Joy and Sorrow .. Pride and Shame ... Win and Loss... Love and Hatred... Success and Loss... Smiles and tears... these are the spices of life.. vital ingredients for a recipe which defines our purpose of existence careful in what you pick and choose .. and how you mix them .. and in what proportion .. decides the taste of the recipe called LIFE ...

The variable proportions of these ingredients decide your fate... One extra spoon of sorrow and you might become a loner or one extra spoon of joy may make you selfish ... But what's really amazing about this recipe is that though the ingredients are the same and the proportions vary from person to person -The end result is different but The taste of the recipe is the same for every one ..

You don't agree???... Ok think about this ..

When you are happy ....everything just seems to fit in beautifully ... at that time you feel you can hear the chirping of the birds, the buzz of the bees, .. you an feel the smiles of a sleeping baby and on and on .... But when you hit the rough.. the world seems to come down as a house of cards... the same chirping of birds, the buzz of the bees become the noise that rattles your brain to insanity ...

Thats what i mean .. at the end ... one might be a pauper.. and other might be the president of US .. but the spices that bring the flavor in life .. they make them both go through the same emotions (though maybe at different points of life) .. This is applicable to all of us..

So you see.. next time anybody asks you ..
"Can You cook??" ...
Say .. "Yes I can ... And am damn good at it "

1 comment:

chumly said...

That was probably the most poetic birds and bees story of happiness and sadness I have ever read. Thank you.