Monday, April 23, 2007

The Angels of Love, Life and Hope

When we are born,
God sends His angels to go and visit us.

As they stand near us, our eyelids lie closed.
When our mother holds us in her arms,
The supernatural beings sit and smile.
For they can see what will be ahead of us in our lives.
They see the adversity but they only notice the happiness and triumph.

The angels think for a moment and then
The angel of Hope says to the baby:
You will need to work hard in the many years ahead.
Your dreams will not be easily achieved,
Your goals will not be effortlessly reached.
There will be tears shed in tough times
But there will also be tears when there is joy.
Do not be afraid of achieving
And do not let fear pull you down.

On some days when you are growing up,
You will feel as though you do not want to carry on.
But these days will not last long
For darkness only appears until the light returns.
On those days you will need to work extra hard
And smile even if there is no reason to smile
For society appreciates people more when they have a happy face.

Then the angel of Life says:
Days may go as fast as the speed of light
But may also go as slow as a snail trying to reach its far away destination.
You must learn to love both these days.
The progressive ones and the rapid ones,
For the slow days are the ones on which you will grow and learn
And on fast days you will enjoy life but you will not spiritually gain anything.

Then the angel of love says:
You will inevitably fall in love,
And sometimes there will be rainbows beneath the valleys
And other times there will be storms below the clouds.
There will be times when you agree with your partner,
But also times when you will disagree.
Cherish both of these times as they both assist in the cycle of love.

You will meet people like and unlike yourself.
You will laugh with them and cry with them, too.
Time will seem to go quickly when spent with them.
These people will care for you and love you.
Always remember that the sun will rise at dawn,
That each day is a new day
And that as long as the sun wakes you up in the morning,
you must continue to have faith and hope.

And with that last thought,
The angels wave goodbye
And disappear into the thin air
And the baby opens its eyelids
Ready to begin its life long journey

----- By Benjamin Raymond

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Flight in the Wild

Let your dreams flow like the wind
Let your wings take the flight of freedom
Don’t be afraid to go around the bend
Just open yourself to the world of wisdom

Though you may drift miles
But you must not be scared
Cause freedom brings in smiles
And beauty of life lies in the flight in the wild

- Vinny 07.04.07

Will the Mohan in You save another Tenzin????

One of very close friends of mine has just met with a real bad road accident ... He scared the life out of anyone and everyone who saw him... Luckily there is no threat to his life now... Though there is still a long long road for him to recovery ... I will be there with him anytime and every time he requires me ... and so we will be many of our friends...

I have mixed thoughts in my head right now ... On one hand I keep on asking why did this happen to him or for that matter to anyone ??? .. and on other I can't stop thanking God that he is still with us...

My friend's name is Tenzin Thargay .. One gem of a chap.... a poet at heart and a thinker to the core... friend of friends and a born optimist ....

None of us know what happened at that ill fated moment...All we have understood is that .. it was a hit and run case... he was driving his bullet ... and he was hit by a taxi ... the taxi got away ... we are not sure about the time .. he was lying in the middle of the road ... all covered in blood and unconscious ... he was surrounded by the typical Mumbai crowd... all over him ... all around him... eyes would have been all over him... And yes.. like a typical Mumbai crowd.... thats all they did .... no body wasn't even thinking on the lines of rushing him to a hospital and saving a life...I am sure they would all have been playing GOD by saying that he would surely die .. But none of them would ave tried to be what they really should have been- A HUMAN ... A human being there for a fellow human

Sadly... this image .. as I can visualize... has hit me straight in the face ... as an individual ... and as a human .. I have never been a part of such a crowd... standing there and watching a person die ... but yes... I have seen many a similar accident in my life time .. but I didn't even bother to stop and pick them up ... I was too engrossed in my thoughts to come forward and save some body's life... I am guilty of not respecting life.. But now I am prepared to respect life.. never again will I shy away from my responsibility..

And this realization is all due to one gentleman ... a God's man .. who respected life.. This Living example of hope in our lives, Mohan to us, saw our friend lying on the road ... and he did not shy away ... he took this total stranger to the hospital .. and called me up . .. and my friends boss.. thanks to Mohan .. we could take speedy action and save our friends life... Before I reached .. another friend of mine had reached there.. . and Mohan had left .... I couldnt even thank him in person ... I guess this is my way of saying thanks to him and many more Mohans who are out there.. And I feel that if only we can all learn .. and not always the hard way ... but by just looking at other Mohan and realizing that we got to bring out the Mohan inside of us...

I know there are a million problems attached with it ... cops and medical staff acting as irritants .. but still .. one act by you could save some body's life... today it is my friend, tomorrow it could be me .. or YOU .. or YOUR Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Daughter, Son, Grandchild.. Anyone of us can be where Tenzin is today ... that is something not in our hands .. but probably in hands of our fate .. .But to take Mohan's place is in our hands.. This is one thing not decided by our fate .. But by choosing to be Mohan we Control Fate ...

I just hope that we find the courage in ourselves to become Mohan.....


Tenzin has a Hairline Fracture on his skull.. His forehead was smashed into his skull .... and his forehead has no skin ... and his face has so many cuts ... that a long and painful plastic surgery is the only way out for him ..... His Left leg is smashed in two pieces.... He is still in the ICU and in a semi conscious state...

Tenzin's blood over me and all inside the ambulance still shakes me and makes me imagine that if Mohan hadn't done what he had ... then a life so full of vigor, energy, potential and optimism would have ended right there on the road...

All his loved ones and us his friends will be with him on every step of his recovery ... I request you to say a silent prayer for his fast and complete recovery ... And for all of us also to find the strength to find the Mohan in us.

God Bless.